Player Spotlight: Mikey Cornwell

Position: Midfield

Mikey joined us at the beginning of our first season from Liss, and today’s game will be his 50th appearance for the club. 

A holding midfielder who gives absolutely everything he’s got when he crosses that white line. 

Off the pitch, he works in the audiovisuals industry. 

After a short stint with Liphook at the start of the season, he returned to the Stags in October and, in his own words, “is back home where he belongs.”

Favourite playing memory: Scoring in cup final for Aldershot District vs Portsmouth academy to take it to extra time 

Favourite team: Liverpool
Favourite player: Trent 

Smartest team mate: Jmac

Funniest team mate: OG

Best moment playing for the stags: Beating Headley on penalties

Which player made you fall in love with the game: Stevie G 

Which player matches your playing style: Gattuso 

Team mate who works the hardest: Toby 

Previous clubs: Liss, Liphook


Player Spotlight: Joe Choularton


Matchday - The Stags v Colden Common FC